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One of the biggest take aways from my work with Stephanie is the ability to be more present in each moment, which has profoundly and positively impacted every aspect of my life especially my relationships with the people closest to me. 

As someone on the spectrum in IT for 30+ years the idea of “embodied awareness” seemed a bit “woo woo’ when I was first introduced to it. 

Having recently discovered psychedelics, I was looking for assistance with integration work and whatever else came with it. What has unfolded on this journey had been highly transformational and profoundly powerful in so many ways that no words could convey fully or adequately the benefits I have received.  

What I can say is that my life is much better for having Stephanie in it.  I am truly grateful for her presence, compassion, and wisdom and would highly recommend her to anyone looking for support on their path. 
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I love Stephanie- “she walks the walk and talks the talk”. She is a very genuine, kind, funny, and highly intuitive person. I feel completely safe in her presence. Stephanie brings a wisdom and authenticity that can only come from deep knowing of truth . I have recommended her to 2 of my friends who found working with her to be a great joy also.   

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Stephanie provided me with much needed support during a time of crisis. Thanks to my time with her I am feeling much better! Stephanie provided a safe, non judgmental space for me to meet difficult emotions I had been running from for years. I am eternally grateful.

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I’ve suffered from C-PTSD since my mid teens, but wasn’t diagnosed or treated until my early 40’s. C-PTSD had made my life hell. Traditional talk therapy and antidepressants helped me to be a more-or-less functional person, but I continued to believe at a very deep level that I was inherently unlovable and irreparably damaged and that I would never find true healing or peace in this life, continuing to limp along through life until I died. Sometimes I wished fervently for that death. Once, I even planned it. 

Stephanie has helped me learn, practice, and refine techniques of embodied self-awareness and meditation. These practices have enabled me to access and heal old psychological wounds, and to uncover (and unravel) negative, destructive underlying beliefs. 

Healing C-PTSD is a process that requires patience, consistency, self-compassion, and a willingness to be present with painful memories, beliefs, thoughts, and feelings that arise.  Stephanie has been a gentle, calm, honest, patient, and an unwavering loving  presence as I move through this tender exploration.  And she has been, as Brené Brown would say, “face down on the arena floor” herself. She’s been there. She gets it. 

While I’m still in the process of healing, my life is no longer the waking nightmare it once was. I have learned and am continuing to learn how to truly see, love, and trust myself. While I still have challenging days, they’re not the norm. I no longer believe I’m “broken beyond repair.” I have joy. I have hope. I can sleep at night.

I’m so grateful to have met Stephanie and to have been given the opportunity to work with her.  She is an exceptionally gifted practitioner!

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