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Stephanie offers private session online 

Resting in Presence: Living in Truth 

Sessions with Stephanie are an invitation to rest in presence, explore, and to open unconditionally to whatever arises In the moment.

The private session are a space where you can be fully yourself and explore the foremost issues and challenges that are showing up in your life and use these challenges as a gateway for your spiritual growth.

Sessions begin with a guided meditation allowing us to become deeply present in this moment. From this deeper presence we gently open and explore together whatever beliefs, feelings, and, sensations arise without any judgement or agenda. This unconditional openness and honoring of what arises in the moment begins a deep healing and integration into wholeness.


 Cultivating inner peace, joy,       creativity, and aliveness

 Living a life of presence

•  Releasing unconscious             beliefs and old patterns

•  Healing trauma

•  Recognizing your true nature

•  Integration

•  Spiritual Awakening

•  Living your purpose

One of the biggest take aways from my work with Stephanie is the ability to be more present in each moment, which has profoundly and positively impacted every aspect of my life especially my relationships with the people closest to me. As someone on the spectrum in IT for 30+ years the idea of “embodied awareness” seemed a bit “woo woo’ when I was first introduced to it. Having recently discovered psychedelics, I was looking for assistance with integration work and whatever else came with it. What has unfolded on this journey had been highly transformational and profoundly powerful in so many ways that no words could convey fully or adequately the benefits I have received.  What I can say is that my life is much better for having Stephanie in it.  I am truly grateful for her presence, compassion, and wisdom and would highly recommend her to anyone looking for support on their path.                                                                                                 - Troy A. IT -USA

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